Trans-Friendly Laser Hair Removal
Procedure Time
15 mins plus.
No. of treatments
6 sessions every 4-8 weeks.
No real downtime.
Starting from £20
Experimental studies have shown that many of the transgender individuals are suffering from the mental health.
This mental health problem has some reasons like discrimination, stigma, lack of acceptance and abuse they have to come across on regular basis.
At Aesthetiq Skin Clinic, many transgender clients have visited who are transitioning at the present. They have shared their problem with us but the hottest one is facial hair problem. Many of them have gone through other treatments that have distracted them more. We have suggested them Laser Hair Removal for Transgender that is proper and complete solution of the problem and source to reduce their anxiety.
How we can help
Our expert team handles them with great skill and assures them about the complete facial hair removal. We have answer of their every question to make their feminine beauty consistent. Our team provides them honor and friendly environment.
Many of transgender clients very resistant to the treatment because of the pain but we make their mind about Laser Hair Removal for Transgender is painless and long lasting. In some cases it gives complete elimination of facial hair.
Number of Sessions
Number of Sessions for transgender clients depends on the nature and density of hair. For dense patches more sessions are required and thin patches can be cleared with lesser session comparatively.Price for Sessions
Price per session is same as mentioned in the Laser Hair Removal for Men.FAQ’s
Laser Hair Removal is the newest introduction into hair removal arena which provides long term, silky-smooth results. For thousands of years, people have been shaving and waxing their hair to get a clean and neat look which in turn makes hair growing thicker and faster.
Laser Hair Removal is the newest introduction into hair removal arena which provides long term, silky-smooth results. For thousands of years, people have been shaving and waxing their hair to get a clean and neat look which in turn makes hair growing thicker and faster.